What is a 1031 Exchange?
The sale of a business or investment asset can create a large tax liability. A properly structured tax deferred exchange under Internal Revenue Code §1031 allows businesses and individuals to defer the recognition of capital gains and other taxes associated with the sale. To successfully complete a 1031 tax deferred exchange, there are specific requirements that must be met and clients must engage the services of a professional Qualified Intermediary like IPX1031®.
The most common type of 1031 Exchange is used for real estate, likely due to the broad definition of what is considered “like-kind” for Real Estate (or Real Property) Exchanges. In general, any type of US real property held by the client for productive use in a trade or business, or for investment purposes can be exchanged for more real property as long as the properties are of “like-kind”. There are many different types of exchanges that are available to investors, each with their own specific requirements and limitations.
Services Offered
IPX1031® offers clients a full suite of exchange services covering Real Estate, Personal Property, Multiple Asset, Aircraft to the more complicated Reverse and Improvement, and Master Like-Kind Exchange Programs. With a formidable team of attorneys, sales specialists and coordinators, IPX1031® expertly educates clients and their tax advisors to ensure all options are fully understood so clients can make the best informed decision based on their individual circumstances.
More Info & Resources
For more information or to initiate a 1031 Exchange, please visit www.ipx1031.com or call 888-771-1031.
To learn more, attend a complimentary online 1031 Introduction or Advanced 1031 webinar. Register online at http://www.ipx1031.com/ipx1031-webinars/.
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